Product Scheduler for Magento 2
Magento Compatibility: 2.3, 2.4
Extension VERIFIED By: Magento Marketplace
Compatible with the Hyva theme
Frontend Demo
Product page - Coming Soon Product page - Deal Ends In Category PageBackend Demo
Admin PanelScreenshots
This extension is useful for sellers to scheduler product sales for a limited time period. It can help sellers to organize product sale depending on stock or time-oriented events such as festival seasons. It displays a countdown timer with related products to inform the customer about the product availability period.
With a catalog of the wide range of products, Product scheduler makes it easy to create planning of items with a coming soon or ends in fixed scheduled time. Timers can help customers to know when to buy their favorite products within given duration or upon launch time.
You can schedule product launch time or sale ends in time as well both for limited time duration sale. It also comes with customer subscription feature to provide sales notification to the customer via email on sales event. This can help sellers to boost the number of product sales by pre-planning availability of the items.
You can modify text displayed with timers and email notification templates used to provide information to the customers easily from the backend.
Sample product configured with Launch time using this extension is displayed below. The product will be available to customers after reaching timer duration.
Overview of both timers from the backend. Here setting up both timers makes a product available for the configured duration. If set for either Launch time or End in time then product will be available or unavailable based on those timers.
Brief glimpse of subscriber grid from the backend displaying the list of customers who have chosen to subscribe.
Overview of the product scheduled with the extension from category page in the front end.
Experience better sales management brought to you by Magediary extensions.
How does Magento 2 Product Accessories extension work?
Please check this YouTube demo video.
Which commands are required to run after installing the Product Accessories extension?
php bin/magento module:enable Magediary_AccessoryUpsell
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento cache:flush
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Is it work with all product types?
Yes, it works with all product types.
How can I export/import accessory items?
You can import accessory items using the Magento native way like import related, upsell and cross-sell items.
Please check how to export/import items in our below demo video.
Can admin specify as may accessory items as they want for a product?
Yes, there is no limit.
Admin can specify as many accessory items as you want.
Is all assigned accessory items will be shown on the frontend product view page?
Yes, all selected items will be listed out on the frontend product view page.
The customer can choose as many items as they want by selecting multiple checkboxes.
Can customers choose as many items as they want on product view page?
Yes, there is no limit.
The customer can choose as many items as they want by selecting multiple checkboxes.
Is it easy to change the position of product accessories block?
Yes, it’s very easy.
From layout XML files under view/frontend/layout module directory, you can set the position of a block wherever you want.
If I have any question or getting an issue then where can I contact?
We are just a support ticket away.
- Fix the translation issue at the store level
Version 1.0.5
- Fix the send email issue with Magento 2.4.5
Version 1.0.4
- Compatible coding standard with Magento 2.4.4
Version 1.0.3
- Use Declarative Schema
- Improve coding standard
Version 1.0.2
- Hide Ends In and Launch Time attributes on Catalog Pages on Storefront
Version 1.0.1
- Compatible with Magento 2.3
- Improve coding standard
Version 1.0.0
- Initial Release