Product Questions Answers for Magento 2
Compatible with:
Magento Compatibility: 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
Extension VERIFIED By: Magento Marketplace
GraphQL: Support available (PWA ready)
Hyvä support: Yes
Magento Cloud
Product question answer for Magento 2 is a simple but necessary extension which lets your customers ask product related questions and answer them as well. The admin or seller can reply to these question as well manage thread using this module. The customers can use rating feature to make a conclusive decision simply by using like or dislike facility for all answers.
The admin can easily manage the whole section from the backend and also can provide an answer to the questions asked by the customers. This can also help the admin to get an idea about customers interest in particular related products. The customer and admin both can stay updated using email notification feature for related product question answer thread. The customers can also use like or dislike function to rate answers responded by other customers or the admin as well. The customer can also use report abuse answer function to notify the admin about the offensive response for asked questions to get a solution for related queries.
Below is an example to give simple outline about the Product Question Answer for Magento 2 extension from the frontend and from the backend as well.
The customers can ask product related questions using simple form after filling the required fields. In this form, Nickname and Email fields can be set by the admin as either optional or required based on need. Here asked question can be answered by either only admin or by other customers as well.
As an example, If the answer is configured to be replied by the admin only then the answer form will not show up for other customers.
The customers can use different rating functions Like, Dislike or Report Abuse to rate an answer.
Note that only registered customers can rate an answer and the customers who already purchased the product will appear as a Certified Buyer.
Here the customers can submit answers Anonymously if configured by the admin from the backend as an optional requirement. While replying, the customer can simply tick the checkbox to submit an answer anonymously.
The admin can add questions or change the status of the question easily from the backend.
Note that the admin can Assign Multiple Products with the single question. The question will show up at all assigned product pages on the frontend.
As an example, same type of products can be assigned to the same type of question.
Only approved questions by the admin will show up on the product page.
The customers will receive Email Notifications about submitted answers as well the admin can also receive email notifications for the same. With this facility, the customers can easily solve their queries by reading notifications directly.
The customers can also view their submitted questions and answers information from My Questions and Answers section under my account.
For any other questions about the Product Question Answer for Magento 2 extension, well ask us right away.
- Fix the database schema
Version 1.1.6
- Fix the compatibiilty issue
Version 1.1.5
- Compatible with Magento 2.4.4
Version 1.1.4
- Compatible with GraphQL
Version 1.1.3
- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.3
- Fix the issue with product full width layout
- Improve coding standard
Version 1.1.2
- Fix Report Abuse submission from the my account
Version 1.1.1
- Fix Answer grid issue if used table prefix
- Fix multi trigger popup issue
Version 1.1.0
- Add question search feature
- Fix backend grid issue on multi-store product name
Version 1.0.0
- Initial Release
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